Artist Alessandro Bazan

Alessandro Bazan

Palermo, 1966. Based in Palermo

Alessandro Bazan (Palermo, 1966) figurative painter, exponent and leader since the 90s of the so-called “Scuola di Palermo” - with Fulvio Di Piazza, Andrea Di Marco and Francesco De Grandi. Over the years Bazan has developed a synthetic and highly expressive language that goes back both to the tradition of painting and to other territories - more pop - of visual culture, comics and noir cinema in the lead, managing to be extremely cultured and popular at the same time. The favorite
setting of his paintings is a daily hallucinatory and indolent, sometimes grotesque, sometimes melancholy, in which men and women move in domestic interiors as in improbable forests or beaches, painted with fast brushstrokes and bright and contrasting colors. The choice of themes and subjects linked to Bazan's passion for jazz is also recurrent, the music that comes closest, with all its waste and its improvisations, to the artist's way of painting.