Artist Alessandro Giannì

Alessandro Giannì

1989, Roma. Lives and works in Roma

He attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, since 2013 he has exhibited in galleries and public institutions in Italy and abroad including: The gardens of the casino in Venice (on the occasion of the 73rd Venice International Film Festival), l 'American University KatzenArts Center in Washington DC and the KühlhausBerlin in Germany. Together with the main actors of "post-internet" art, you took part in the great exhibition ÑEWPRESSIONISM, curated by the Greek artist MiltosManetas. In 2020 he is one of the founders of Spaziomensa, an artist-runspace aimed at enhancing the Roman artistic ferment.
In his work he collects aesthetic fragments from the net with the intention of giving them a new existence. In his works, the analogical practice of painting merges with the use of new media, with the Internet and digital culture, investigating the connections between the digital universe, parallel universes and the dreamlike and introspective world of human beings.