Artist Andrea Mineo

Andrea Mineo

Torino, 1989. Based in Berlino

Andrea Mineo's research develops through a complex process of "excavation", made up of multiple phases of research followed by a process of elaboration and sedimentation, in which the artist carefully focuses on the project to finally give it shape through the use of a wide variety of media, ranging from photography to drawing, from video to installation.
Andrea Mineo trained at the Academy of Fine Arts in Palermo as a sculptor, mainly realizing projects that reflect on the accumulation and selection of specific materials which later become the constituent matter for future installation projects. During his studies he worked as an assistant for artists carrying out logistics, exhibition set-up and chasing tasks. Of the installation practice, the importance attributable to the point of view from which to take the photograph is maintained, in which he maintains a directorial detachment from the medium used. Although developed through different media, his works present an identical research matrix: the exploration of the relationship between the individual's internal environment and what surrounds him, a question that is addressed both by investigating the relativity of perception and working on forcing limits, physical or psychological, such as the possibility of extending our abilities.