Artist Aryan Ozmaei

Aryan Ozmaei

Tehran, 1976. Based in Firenze

The Iranian artist sees the canvas as a stage where something happens and in some way she narrates it. Her painting is the search for how to tell what happens in her mind, in her heart and in front of her eyes, finding a balance. Painting is this research, through colors and shapes, composition and textures: sometimes more important than the subject is the path from the idea to its realization. The artist tries to define the work as little as possible, so as not to lose the freedom to do and enjoy the moment of painting. As in her life, where I try to get lost between the confines of her stories and her countries.
She graduated from the two-year specialist of the Academy of Fine Arts, which she follows the degree taken at the Azad Art and Architecture University of Tehran. Among her personal exhibitions: A Studio Abroad, curated by Pietro Gaglianò, SRISA Gallery, Florence; Landscape Inside, bi-personal exhibition curated by Pietro Gaglianò, Galleria Susanna Orlando, Pietrasanta; SPLEEN, Etemad Gallery, Tehran/Studio 70r, Florence; Asar Art Gallery, Tehran; and participation in group exhibitions: Invisible Borders, curated by Pietro Gaglianò, SRISA Gallery, Florence; Controcarretta della Speranza (CCDS), B.A.D, Pietrasanta/Castello di Pantelleria; Startpoint/Animalpoint, curated by Valentina Filice, Studio 70r, Florence; Private Flat #6, PF# 6.10, Florence; as well as numerous projects in Italy and Iran.