Artist Ben Edmunds

Ben Edmunds

Norwich, 1994. Based in London

Ben Edmunds is interested in the intersections between abstraction and figuration, between painting and graphics, between image making and marketing, and in his works he employs a variety of techniques associated with crafts and domestic applied arts, such as embroidery or stencilling. His paintings open up a space without borders - evoking new realities and alternative visual environments, inspired by multiple sources: from references to American post-war abstraction to sports graphics and equipment (shock cords and carabiners), from billboard design to more indirect factors such as the theoretical writings on the game, up to the chill out music of the historic London record label Ministry of Sound, in an omnivorous approach that helps him to distort the "familiar" perceptions of painting. He often uses shaped wooden supports to challenge the conventions of the rectangular surface, pointing towards the leisure activities that are at the heart of his work.