Artist Cosimo Casoni

Cosimo Casoni

Firenze, 1990. Lives and works between Firenze and Milano

Cosimo Casoni researches formal solutions that subject the representation of objects, natural and urban elements, to processes of perspective redefinition. He does it through the use of a visual grammar that favors the pictorial stroke, especially in the oil technique, but also watercolor and drawing, passing through collage and video; all mediums that the artist experiments with constancy, leaving them open to a glimmer of mutual hybridization, constantly oscillating between figuration and abstraction. Landscapes and still lifes combine with monochrome surfaces and graphic signs; suspended images of stillness are suddenly disturbed and interrupted by rapid gestures. The objects are subjected to an organic synthesis that emphasizes the sculptural dimension of some portions, the touches of color manifest themselves as unstable structures, not entirely delineated forms in itinere that transform the space of the canvas into a place of mental reflection. Elements extrapolated from traditional painting, graffiti and even skateboarding, come together to create surreal contrasts with the aim of evoking personal interpretations and meanings. Everything overlaps in a game of visual weights and chromatic balances that never end in a pure formal exercise.