Artist Davide Bramante

Davide Bramante

Siracusa, 1970. Based in Siracusa

Davide Bramante realizes his photographic works with the technique of multiple exposure in the shooting phase, the result of several shots (from four to nine) on the same portion of film, a unique distinctive feature that has ensured Bramante a more than deserved place in photography. 'art. The result is simultaneous visions of large cities, assembled portions of his many travels and his thoughts, suggestive and seductive works of art where the most representative places of each city manage to coexist, becoming interpretations of the collective spirit. Overlay is one of the most fascinating techniques in photography but used a lot more in film. Bramante uses it to go out, go around the world and capture images, and instead of tracing them back to a documentary reportage, he makes it become a separate work, another world.
His artistic curriculum includes numerous international experiences, he has over sixty solo and group exhibitions in museums, foundations and national and foreign galleries, including the MoMA New York Museum, the MACI in Isernia, the Palazzo delle Papesse in Siena and the Kunsthaus Tacheles in Berlin.