Artist Domenico Bianchi

Domenico Bianchi

Anagni, Frosinone, 1955. Based in Roma

The preciousness of Domenico Bianchi's works retains something ancient, a certain classic rigor. Among the protagonists of the New Roman School, with episodic forays into the milieu of Arte Povera, Bianchi made formal elegance, balance and love for the sensuality of materials a decisive factor.
In the eighties the exhibitions at Salvatore Ala and Sperone in New York, then the Castello di Rivoli and two participations at the Venice Biennale; in the nineties Terrea Motus with Lucio Amelio, the Istanbul Biennale, the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam. Then a long series of institutional projects (from the Imperial Forums to the MACRO), up to the recent passages from Christian Stein in Milan, Pièce Unique in Paris and the Boboli Gardens in Florence.