Artist Francesco Maria Romano

Francesco Maria Romano

Palermo, 1983. Lives and works between Hamburg, New York and Palermo

Francesco Maria Romano’s painting is a mysterious narrative in which personal exploits and vicissitudes are intertwined with journeys either real or fictitious, imaginary or invisible. Romano’s internalised universe underlines art’s ability to cast light on new and unexplored landscapes, in an investigation of alternative potentials and dimensions. Dreams and realities merge and blur in a potpourri of memories and recollections, inviting visitors to investigate the boundaries between external and internal worlds.
Romano graduated in Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts of Palermo. In 2014 he won an artist’s residency in Düsseldorf through a collaboration between the SACS Archive-Palazzo Riso Contemporary Art Museum and the Kunstverein zur Kunstausstellungen. Also in 2014, he was included in the SACS Archive and his work entered the Palazzo Riso collection. In 2016 his work entered the Academy of Fine Arts of Palermo’s permanent collection of artist’s books.