Artist Lisa-Julie Rüping

Lisa-Julie Rüping

Dormagen, 1986. Lives and works between Düsseldorf and Paris

Lisa-Julie Rüping expresses herself with drawings, photographs and installations that show her interest in the composition of structures that unravel through lines and surfaces, annihilating depth. In the works on paper they are hinted at or more marked, straight and transversal lines, which form, as in a score, light visual rhythms. In the photographs, however, the German artist portrays skies, walls and corners of buildings from the bottom up which, through the focus of the elements in the foreground and the out of focus of the background, are reduced to pure surfaces, losing their mimetic value to the advantage of a construction of planes perceivable only through the lost materiality of the objects and the lightness of the pure forms detached from any characterization.