Artist Marco Tirelli

Marco Tirelli

Roma, 1956. Based in Roma

Marco Tirelli is among the artists who gave life to the New Roman School, the third protagonist of Italian art after the Transavantgarde and Arte Povera.
What is striking about Tirelli is the artistic coherence and the ability to evolve while keeping one's gaze fixed on a single point, on the horizon of one's artistic career. His production has changed a lot, but he has always remained faithful to the premises of the seventies, perhaps due to his ability to abstract himself, "fly high" and look at the world with creative detachment. Abstract and figurative merge. Shape and light manage, by themselves, to decline the world that can be represented in infinite combinations. Silence, like the shadow, is the necessary condition for creating and observing. It is the absence that, even in painting, enhances the presence of form and colour.
Tirelli's research has always been immune to fashions, the market and new technologies. How is it possible for an artist to preserve his work from the continuous changes suggested and almost imposed by the constantly evolving contemporary culture? According to Tirelli, art is the ability to take flight and observe the world from above, escaping from chaos and confusion.