Artist Marco Useli

Marco Useli

Nuoro, 1983. Based in Milano

An aesthetic of the track. An obsession with the idea of the imprint, as the result of the aleatory relationship between space, time and matter. This is the recognizable feature of the work of Marco Useli, an artist of Sardinian origins, who settled in the Lombard capital after a training and research journey between Florence and London.
A grammar, his, which articulates stratified volumes, ephemeral surfaces, graphic or apparently gestural signs: from refined and unusually oversized engravings to a painting that excludes direct contact with the surface.
In fact, it is not the gesture of the hand or the pressure of the brush that generates the irregular backgrounds, spread on the sheet; it is, in reality, a particular technique. Thanks to rollers of different sizes, impregnated with color, Marco obtains serial, rhythmic combinations: liquid trails that change delicately through various passages. The game thus develops between minimal thresholds and different repetitions, working on weight and evanescence, on the residue and disappearance of form, on mechanical reiteration and material sensitivity.