Artist Martina Cassatella

Martina Cassatella

San Giovanni Rotondo, 1996. Based in Milano

Martina Cassatella was born in San Giovanni Rotondo (FG) in 1996. She spent her adolescence in Manfredonia (FG) where she attended the Aldo Moro Classical High School, and obtained her high school diploma with a grade of 98/100. After high school you moved to Milan; he enrolled in the painting school of the Brera Academy of Fine Arts in the class of professor Marco Cingolani, and obtained the three-year and master's degree diplomas, both cum laude, respectively in 2019 and 2021. He currently lives and works in Milan, and holds his own painting studio.
Representing the unrepresentable is putting all forms of language on the same level, fusing gesture, movement, light, and word. As in Antonin Artaud's Theater of Cruelty, in which it is above all ritual and magical. To tell something unspeakable.