Artist Paolo Parisi

Paolo Parisi

Catania, 1965. Based in Firenze

Paolo Parisi has always been engaged in the research of colour, monochrome and its abstraction.
A staging of painting and its formal processes, in which every moment of the construction is transcended by the power of colour. But also a bringing into play of sculpture, as an architectural device designed to fit the viewer's gaze: an operation that insists on the almost miraculous transformation brought about by the artistic gesture and experience, always capable of making the representation of a landscape.
Objective elements, such as cartography, photographic optics and architectural relief, are used by the artist as a non-arbitrary starting point. What emerges, through experience and artistic practice, are new and unexpected images, which configure the point of view of art, as the only possible way to anchor oneself through sight to external reality, and still keep alive a humanly necessary relationship between feeling and sight, between the self and the image.
“The core of my work is experience. Color is guts and intellect. My paintings, drawings and installations are an attempt to propose a direct experience of seeing, which then corresponds in turn to a reflection on the modalities of vision".