Artist Sergio Zavattieri

Sergio Zavattieri

Palermo, 1970. Based in Palermo

In Sergio Zavattieri's photographs there is often the need to add value to something or to return it if it has been deprived of it, modifying things and reaching a new order, as in the past he did with research on artificial flowers and plants bought in large distribution chains; low-cost objects but with a hidden personality, which is returned by in-depth observation and with a careful look, a practice that is now almost forgotten.
At the beginning photography was the result of choices, framing, shapes given by the light, which communicated the author's thought; today - overwhelmed by digital technologies and deprived of its essential functions, it is increasingly becoming something else.
Zavattieri's work talks about this, about photography and how it influences man's culture and life itself today, to the point of dictating its rules, noting the importance that the photographic image has today and how it constitutes a new and autonomous reality.