Sulltane Tusha
A single discontinuous current crosses the works of Sulltane Tusha. Impetuous here, barely perceptible there, this subterranean vibration takes different forms and directions. Colorful nebulae, sparkles and ripples, cascades of zig-zag stripes, iridescent bands, showers of small triangles and currents of signs like stylized waves. And then horizontal lines, lines and more lines, wavy and parallel.
The adventure of colour, which Sulltane moves from canvas to paper, up to embroidery on fabric, seems to answer a question mark suspended between the landscape and existence, between fantastic cosmologies and bucolic observations. Naked and raw abstraction, which shuns any didactic intent or desire for representation.
Yet, in this nudity made up of retinal perception, of dazzles and glitters, of dense textures and brief earthquakes, it seems to see, in the background, the distant echo of an image, an inner frame.