Exhibition Francesco De Grandi - Andreas Thein  INTERIEUR

Francesco De Grandi - Andreas Thein


Thu 13 Nov 2014
Sat 13 Dec 2014

PALERMO: Closed. We are working on the next exhibition

DÜSSELDORF: Only Saturday from 12 to 4PM or by appointment calling +49 157 73718369

INTERIEUR, an exhibition of the photographic works by Andreas Thein and the works by Francesco De Grandi, curated by Alessandro Pinto. The exhibition is realized under the patronage of: Palermo City Council, Department of Culture; VEREIN düsseldorfpalermo e. V. and Goethe Institut.

The photograph Andreas Thein (Kassel, 1969) is an artist who shows the prosaicness and the story of everyday things with a strong surprising and uncanny directness. His photography stands out for a radical basic choice regarding the photographic medium; common objects and interior spaces are presented in the scale 1:1, by a prospective vision and enforcing a strong spatial breakthrough effect. For INTERIUER Thein presents works from the series SAKRALER RAUM (Sacral room) e EIGENHEIM (Own home).

With his painting, Francesco De Grandi (Palermo, 1968) creates an intense emotive relationship of internalization and projection with the original state of realness by generating landscapes, natures, places. Their appearing traditional landscape paintings have disorienting visionary qualities that untune the viewer by bringing him to an interior voyage with psychological and existential effects. For INTERIUER, the Palermitan artist presents WOOD #5 NUOVO MONDO (Zograscope), a new project designed for gallery spaces that reinterprets the landscape through an interplay of reduction and projection. WOOD #5 NUOVO MONDO continues the artist’s series WOOD realized by the use of fluorescent colors and illuminated by Wood lamps.