Exhibition Vincenzo Ferlita  astratto concreto

Vincenzo Ferlita

astratto concreto

Fri 26 Jun 2020
Fri 04 Sep 2020

PALERMO: Tuesday to Saturday from 3 to 7 p.m.

DÜSSELDORF: We are preparing the new exhibition.
At the moment the gallery is closed.

“Astratto Concreto”, personal exhibition of Vincenzo Ferlita, with a text by Francesco De Grandi.

Vincenzo Ferlita exhibits canvases and works on paper with his distinctive pictorial views in which shapes, signs and colors coexist in multiple dimensions. The geometries alternate with the signs, sometimes with pure gestures, generating a continuous occurrence of visual events.
Within Ferlita's chaotic compositions the vision multiplies penetrating different spaces, not only physical but also mental and psychic; imaginative mappings where the observer's gaze is both welcomed and dispersed. The artist's is a language characterized by a form of automatic, instinctive writing with an explicit abstract matrix, but which connects with the reconstruction and reinterpretation of some - concrete - elements of reality.
In the text that accompanies the exhibition De Grandi writes: “A vocabulary of signs and surfaces used to compose abstract concrete scores, scrolling between the transitory properties of painting and the fluid dimensions of the world of signs, and bringing them back to the concreteness of form, solidity of matter."

Vincenzo Ferlita was born in Santo Stefano Quisquina (Ag) in 1990, he studies and matures his painting in periods lived between Germany and Palermo, the city where he has lived since 2015. Ferlita works with the expressive medium of painting characterized by a continuous shifting of the limit perceptive, using forms that resemble spatial lattices. Drawing and sign coexist in tension both as a chromatic group and as a self-generative interweaving.