Exhibition Group show  Salon Palermo 2

Group show

Salon Palermo 2

Sat 09 Jul 2022
Sat 20 Aug 2022

PALERMO: Closed. We are working on the next exhibition

DÜSSELDORF: Only Saturday from 12 to 4PM or by appointment calling +49 157 73718369

SALON PALERMO 2, a group show about new painting, curated by Antonio Grulli and Francesco De Grandi.
After the success of last summer’s inaugural edition, this year’s nine invited artists are: Chiara Calore, Martina Cassatella, Roberto de Pinto, Barbara De Vivi, Aronne Pleuteri, Francesco Maria Romano, Danilo Stojanović, Dorotea Tocco, Vittorio Zeppillo.

We arrive once more at our annual migration, a fixed appointment by now. Italian painting once more turns toward the sun, toward life, colour, warmth. We now understand how much we need, we now understand how much is healthy. To embrace still more closely the eroticism of vision, magic and mystery. Again. In Palermo as always, in the heart of the city, the perfect theatre for daylight and especially moonlight raids on its neighbourhoods, among museums, bars, piazzas paved with grey and red cobblestones, to breathe all the life that our lungs can grasp. The Palermo that for us is endless banter, infinite sweat, a thousand encounters; a unique school of art and life. The Palermo that in years unkind to painting has represented a place of freedom and resistance to homogenisation. In that wedge of land that seems a strip of Europe dragged down toward North Africa and the Middle East.

– Francesco De Grandi and Antonio Grulli.